Career stagnation chokes creativity, squashes motivation and sucks energy faster than an old school Discman. Upgrading your work skills and attitude can kickstart your career and help you climb the ladder, no matter what wall it’s on.
Challenge keeps us happy, healthy and connected. If you’re not challenged at work, then you’re missing a massive opportunity to grow and develop as a valuable member of society.
Number one on your playlist is ‘Be More Proactive’ as your super-charger to take control of your career and focus on all the little things that quickly add up to being seen as an A-player. Then choose the next titles to add to your playlist as you like, and listen to them once a day and you’ll find your career damaging habits vanishing, your behaviour sharpening and your promotability soaring.
Maybe you’ll hear your voice sounding calm and clear, or feel quietly confident in that meeting with the big bosses. Perhaps you’ll express an opinion that shapes a decision or influences where you’d previously been over-looked. When you look in the mirror you’ll see someone who looks like the person you’ve always wanted to be. Give your career development the kickstart it needs and download this money-saving 5 download pack today.
- Be More Proactive
- Be a Leader
- Making Big Decisions
- Be More Professional
- Be More Persuasive